Saturday, 24 January 2015

Healthy eating

This week's theme has been Healthy Eating; the children have participated in lots of activities to help them understand why eating healthily is important. The children enjoyed drawing pictures of their favourite foods onto paper plates.

We have added the plates to our new role play area 'Our Lady's Café'

 The children have been learning about the different roles in a restaurant and acting them out, we have a dishwasher.

 A cashier. 

 Waitresses and waiters. 
 A chef. 
 And customers. 
 The children have been able to take orders from the customers and 'write' them down, they have also been using play money in the till and telling customers how much their meal costs. 

Other fun activities included:
Writing and drawing using wipe-able markers.  

Constructing with wooden blocks.
 Mark-making in salt and glitter. 

 Comparing groups of objects. 
 Counting and sorting coloured keys.
 Making shapes and patterns using coloured tiles. 

 Finding and matching shapes in the environment.
Junk modelling. 

 Writing letters with large brushes in lentils. 

 Painting with potato mashers.

They make really interesting patterns and lines. 

 In our weekly cooking session we made fruit smoothies. The children learnt how to cut up the fruit safely; we made strawberry & banana and orange and mango drinks- they were yummy!

Next week we will be using the book Handa's Surprise to base our activities on; the children will participate in a workshop based on the story with a theatre company and we will make a fruit salad using some of the exotic fruits in the book. 

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