This week the children have been learning all about caterpillars and butterflies.
The children made some brilliant caterpillars from rolled up strips of paper.
The children have enjoyed making symmetrical butterflies by painting one side of a butterfly, then folding over the paper to make a symmetrical print on the other side. We also made butterflies by making hand prints onto paper and adding a pipe cleaner to make the butterfly's body.
On Thursday the morning class visited the Horniman museum for a mini beast workshop. Unfortunately the weather was not on our side and we couldn't hunt for mini beasts outside; but we had lots of fun looking close-up at some insect specimens and learning about the different body parts insects have.
Our caterpillars are going to be painted lady butterflies when they emerge from their cocoons.
Maria taught us about the different body part of some insects using large inflatable mini beasts.
Some of the children volunteered to help at the front.
The tarantula was bigger than our hands!
This is a frog skeleton, it's bones are really tiny.
We found out that badgers and moles like to eat some mini beasts.
We know that spider have eight legs and lots of other insects have six legs.
Next week the children will learn about bees and the afternoon class will go on their mini beast workshop.